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A desirable nabe in New Haven, Connecticut, filled with historic homes and located just west of Edgewood park. The neighborhood is home to shops, fancy hair salons and brunch places, a bunch of synagogues, art fairs, a dozen or so galleries, a year-round farmer's market, and a few of the city's better performing elementary schools.

Many if not most of New Haven's political leaders live in Westville. The area is primarily Jewish and Catholic.

The neighborhood varies somewhat. Most of it consists of gorgeous, expensive houses built around World War One and which are filled with a diverse group of upper-income, highly educated people (about half affiliated with Yale). A few small sections near Valley Street and Whalley Avenue are lower income areas. The nabe borders West Rock which is a prominent geological feature, home to the West River, and a nice park for walking or hiking.

Not to be confused with Upper Westville or Amity, out towards Woodbridge, which are typical working class suburban districts with smaller post war homes.

Westville is sometimes compared to the city's East Rock neighborhood, but consists more of expensive single family homes whereas East Rock is primarily multi family homes and condos.

Going to Westville yo. Gonna grab brunch at Bellas, hike around West Rock for an hour or so, then there's a farmers market and crafts fair.

by hoodwinked203 December 4, 2010

9👍 1👎


1. Slang for West Valley City, Utah. A suburb of Salt Lake City located directly West of Salt Lake City. One of the more crime infested areas of the Salt Lake Valley. Gangbanging, Drug use and production, assaults, murders, drive-by shootings and criminal enterprise are not uncommon in Utah's second largest city. Several Crip, Blood, Norteno, Sureno and QVO gangs reside in this city. One of the most diverse cities in Utah along with Ogden and Salt Lake City.

You know where I could get some weed. Yeah, lets head to the ville(westville).

by DeMarcus Concersi April 11, 2009

18👍 18👎


filled with greasy dirts, who are creepier than hobos (: Although some westvillers aren't bad, most are skanky, druggys(:

Person 1: Where do you live?
Person 2: Westville

by notfromwestville April 22, 2008

63👍 35👎

Westville Middle/High School

a school in northwest indiana (LaPorte County)

quite boring, some kids are assholes, some not. mostly a normal school.

there's some emos and some jocky dudes and stuff but most can be chill.

farmers. so many farmers. it's a farmer town. some kid drove a tractor to school once. definitely a school with farmers.

pray to god to get a nice teacher. either you're gonna have a nice teacher or the worst and most rude teacher around (or a pedo but they get in trouble very quick)

ignore the music teacher. she yells and is pretty obnoxious LMAO.

the classrooms smell nice.

Person 1: "Hey, how's Westville Middle/High School?"
Person 2: "Meh, at least it isn't LaPorte or Michigan City. Would rather be here than at either of those schools."

by deviousmclick January 3, 2023


town in northwest indiana (LaPorte County)

farmers. farmers everywhere.

oh and a lot of trailers

the school here kinda sux

Person 1: I've never been to Westville there, is it nice?
Person 2: Eh, it's kinda boring.

by moobuswoobus200 September 15, 2022