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A great Guy whos REALLY hot sexxy amazing wonderful aweosme and crazy . He has a great personality. And is really fun to hang out with. He makes you feel special and you never want your time together to end. When you look at him all you do is blush. YOur head gets in a rush when he hugs you... and if you ever hurt him... it will mean the world to you to make it better. Friends dont get much better than Whyatt.

So what are you doing today?

Hanging out with my best friend Whyatt (:

Whoa!? is that Whyatt?! Hes soo hot!

by Liviyanna June 6, 2011

46👍 17👎


The Incorrect way to spell "Wyatt," as to hurt their feelings online.

Girl 1: "man, I love that whyatt, he's so cool."
Girl 2: "How the fuck did you just misspell that while in real life?"

by Blu_Toxic June 17, 2020


An amazing person,great friends, and awesome brother, he is cute and charming and u r so lucky to have him,he is friends with everyone

hey whyatte u wanna come hang out

by penut16 February 16, 2018


he is an amazing brother and friend if you have him you are extremely lucky to have him he may be annoying but he worth keeping

he look bruh its Whyatte cool lets ask him to hang with us

by penut16 March 11, 2018