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A man with a long dick

That guy is a wofford

by jkolgf April 12, 2015

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gerund of the verb "to Wofford." The act of publicly drinking or working with others in academic environment.

Oftentimes, hosting office hours or writing an essay while at a bar are referred to as Woffording in the American political science, international relations, and public policy community, particularly in the graduate student community. The etymology of this word derives from actions frequently taken by Professor Claire Wofford of the College of Charleston, but usage has spread nationally to graduate schools from coast to coast.

She rescheduled her office hours to 3 PM, hosting them in the on-campus bar where she would be Woffording, and offering her students to come join her if they had any questions about course material.

by Spegasparce December 8, 2019


The act of getting unnaturally non-sexually close to someone of the same sex

Stop Woffording me right now!

by The Gentleman in Dark Attire August 8, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mainly freshman, all-girl dorm at Winthrop University in which girls shit in the shower, puke in the sink, leave cardboard pirates around to scare the shit out of people, and boys break into your room and drunkenly piss in your trashcan.

Girl 1: Yeah I just moved into this dorm, there was a cardboard cut out of jack sparrow in the bathroom that said the shower was out of order
Girl 2: Oh yeah, you must be in wofford

by 819ladies November 30, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wofford College

A small, private, liberal arts college located in upstate South Carolina (Spartanburg to be exact). Also known affectionately as the new Harvard of the South which has a 13 to 1 squirrel to student ratio. School where if you are pretty, upper class, and smart you will be the norm. However, niches of diversity exist. Wofford has super accessible professors and staff and consistently rank in the top ten colleges and universities in study abroad. Mascot is the terriers. Colors are black and gold

She was the salutatorian of her graduating class. She is headed to Wofford College in the fall.

Wofford's president Dr. Dunlap used to be a professional ballerina.

Wofford has more freaking squirrels than I have seen in my whole life.

by Annimation February 25, 2011

40๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wofford brothers

the 2 cute brothers who go to the same school. they are funny and awesome to hang around. they are those boys that arent mean but still are a little in a good way. they are obsessed with gaming and might leave you on read. they are also athletic and really fun to hang around.

girl 1: "whos that?"
girl 2: "the wofford brothers, they're so hot!"
girl 1: "yea i wish they were mine."

by googlieeeeyes April 10, 2020

daniel wofford

White van wearing ladies man

Damn Daniel back at it again with the white vans and the hoes. Is the definition for Daniel wofford

by Damn Danny May 14, 2016