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Someone who's known for their charm, good looks, intelligence, strength of character. He's a hard worker, fun, and will always make you laugh. He's a good listener, generous and devoted to his family and friends. If you ever meet a Wojciech consider yourself blessed!

Girl 1-
'Who's that guy over there?'

Girl 2-
'Wojciech. He's so gorgeous, all the girls are after him. Whoever he marries will be a happy woman that's for sure!'

by joygirl February 28, 2010

139πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


michelle smith's best friend. polish . the bomb diggity. amazing. a funk ghetto master.

damn , i wish i was that wojciech! i`m so jealous

by michelle December 29, 2005

97πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Quiet guy. Doesn’t always get the girls he wants but he’s amazing. Stays humble and has a golden heart. If you have him don’t loose him. Tends to have a big dick.

Wojciech is a nice guy you know! I’m lucky to have met him!🀣

by coco-nutz March 17, 2018

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Dirty wojciech

When you meet the most glorous and amazing genius man in the world

I met a dirty wojciech last week

by Wojtekr88 September 7, 2021


Average NK Maribor fan

Person 1: Do you see that person over there?
Person 2: Yeah he's such a Wojciech

by mileniumpiwoenjoyer123 January 21, 2022