Source Code


The true pronunciation of Worcester, Massachusetts, if you are from the state.

"I got a hundred blunts, a hundred hits, n*gga I'm from WOOOSTA!"

by chonuts May 14, 2005

68šŸ‘ 12šŸ‘Ž


A word meaning a strong mixed drink, typically used in the northern most parts of the United States

Hey want a beer?
No thanks Iā€™m having a woosta!

by Woostas_for_everyone March 1, 2019


Worcestershire Sauce. Goes with well done steaks, cutlets, chops, beer and Chartreuse.

Jen: "I can't believe that I ran out of Worcestershire Sauce before this BBQ!"

Alex: "It's OK I've brought a whole bottle with me - I'm drinking beer and Woosta tonight"

All else present: "Hu-Ah!"

by Greg January 7, 2004

5šŸ‘ 26šŸ‘Ž


A word used to describe a hot blonde that should be eiffel towered on a regular basis, or to describe a well-rolled blunt

-Yo did you hear that Reese got eiffel towered last night by John and Sammy?
Yeah dude, she's such A WOOSTA!

by woosta inc. October 24, 2011

13šŸ‘ 4šŸ‘Ž

Woosta boys

a gang of brothers who love to party.

Man did you see those woosta boys last night? They were blowing that place up!!!

by P Rico May 9, 2010

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