Source Code


A next level of confused

Im hella Xel Right now

by FlappyTiTS November 30, 2018


a very cool and fun and super pretty person who can break ur nose

yeah bro Xel is so cool they fucked someone up!!”

by rheholybible April 25, 2022


Xel is my bff they are so cool and gay. I love them<3

Dude1 : bro did you hear that Xel is gonna join some server soon?!
Dude2: brooooo it better be my server Xel is literally so cool and gay😜

by July 5, 2021

4👍 2👎


Xel is unlike any other, someone like I or you have never met, someone like I or you want to love. Someone who is the prettiest person I or you have ever seen, someone who can always make me laugh.

I was walking when xel slapped me for being annoying

I had to redo xels definition because I forgot to make an acc

by C_Lover April 25, 2022


Someone, unlike any other. The best you can meet, and the most prettiest person I or you could know. Someone I or you want to love

I was walking, when xel slapped the shit out of me for being annoying.

by C_Lover April 25, 2022