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ywn is an abbreviation of the words; You Will Never.

>ywn save an iconic Manhattan hotel at age 28
>ywn have a private Boeing 757 with your name in huge letters
>ywn have a tower with your name on it in Midtown Manhattan
>ywn have so much energy you become president at 70 and do it for free

by Ookami Middonaito November 15, 2016

141👍 20👎


Equivalent to "pwn," but much more l33t. The term "pwn" was originally a typo for "own" (p is next to o on the keyboard); "ywn" is a repetition of that same typo, but using a Dvorak keyboard (y is next to p in you are typing with a Dvorak keyboard layout). Dvorak is much more l33t than Qwerty -- hence "ywn" is more l33t than "pwn."

A: Duuuude you just got YWNED
B: um.... u mean pwnd?
A: lol dumb qwerty noob

by l33texpert October 16, 2009

15👍 131👎


Acronym for Young Wild Niggas, a violent Vice Lord-like street gang originating in Charleston, Missouri and responsible for most the crime committed in the region

Those guys with the YWN tattoo are real young wild niggas.

by MODOC January 1, 2015

31👍 118👎