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Yeon falls under all of the following categories:

1) Nice
2) Funny
3) Beautiful
4) Loving
5) Asian
6) Brilliant
7) Loved
8) Crazy
9) Outrageous

Yeon is my best friend! But she also has 1230947901 other best friends.

Yeon got an A on that math test that everyone else failed! And she wrote I love you all over it!

by Mad Cold October 27, 2008

38👍 13👎


A nickname.
Usually for a girl. This probably came from TXT.(yeonjun)
or she/he really likes to yawn(it rhymes)
not accurate but in experience,
this person is a Korean and she/he quite emotional inside.

me:' hi! Shanice-"
also her:' my name is Yeon, not Shanice,"
me: sorry

by uknowwhoami? March 14, 2020


the origin of beauty and awesomeness also used to describe an amazing woman

Damn girl, you are soo-yeon today!

by ap737 October 19, 2010

31👍 5👎

Yeon Ji

hot,sexy,cute girl with a hot body


by franzizcoo January 13, 2009

43👍 8👎

Hwee yeon

Usually tiny short guy who is a good friend but is sometimes annoying.

Oh ur such a Hwee yeon!

by Spleff-dogger January 25, 2018

hae yeon

1. goddess of arts and culture
2. used to describe intelligent matter

"Look at this new invention!"
"Whoa, that is so hae yeon!"

by goddess of fluffy September 10, 2006

5👍 2👎


tæ•jΛn - proper noun
(Not to be confused with Taeyeon, Tae-yeon, TaeYeon, Taeyun, Taeyon, or Tae-yon)

Two syllabled Korean name, used for both boys and girls. The meaning of the name may vary. Approximately 6,000 people were named Tae-Yeon/Taeyeon/Tae-Yeon since 2008. One of the most notable example of this name is Tae-Yeon Chung, a South Korean human who studied at the institute of ICS Paris for 3 years. He is a passionate supporter of the Marxist communism, and does not think that the Soviet Union under Stalin’s regime was successful. He played violin for more than half of his life, but is not proud of his violinious skills. He is known for his superior intellectual skills. He loves his comrades, and will always call you comrade, if he feels comfortable with you.

Comrade 1: “Look! It’s Tae-yeon.”

Comrade 2: “No! It’s Tae-Yeon, stoopid.”

Comrade 1: “Communism is bad”

Tae-Yeon: (angry Tae-Yeon noises)

by darthperrytheplatyus June 30, 2022