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A derogatory term for Australian Aboriginals - namely Torres Straight Islanders.

That Yogh just stole my sandwich!

by Shaun Bigwell October 2, 2005

26👍 4👎


it's an old letter which can be used in some rare languages, the letter looks like a 3, you can see it here: ȝ

The letter yogh looks like a 3.

by Iogame13fun July 1, 2022


yogh - a combination of cringe, stupid, dumb, moron and yikes. you use it basically like saying yikes.

yogh in this meaning first started to be used by Crux C.

person 1: *something cringy or basically stupid*
person 2: yogh./ that was such a yogh thing to say.

by cadaver sl^t February 28, 2021