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Yorba- to be down on your luck and nearly homeless

Word that originated from a local hotel in Detroit Michigan, "Hotel Yorba".. Where many drug addicted and lower class people of society stay right before hitting the streets.

Dude you used to live in Grosse Point, now you live in Southwest Detroit... You got yorba'd

by Malachi280 December 26, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

adym yorba

A sexy ass youtuber. He and kanye are bestfriends.."Kanye's huge btw" adym loves to make cringy ass musical.lys that are some how amazingly perfect adym yorba is pretty much perfect

I was in adym yorba 's bad last night

by Last_mannswife February 28, 2017

114๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yorba Linda

Ranked as the richest city in the United States by the Census for 2006. A very wealthy, quiet city in Orange County, California. People are loaded but for the most part aren't as pretentious or materialistic as the beach-city counterparts of the Upper-class OC (Newport, Laguna, La Jolla). Generally nice people, but the kids are spoiled and bratty, as to be expected.

Commonly referred to as 'the Y.L.'.

Dude: Where are you from?
Girl: Yorba Linda.
Dude: Oh, no wonder why you're so bratty and spoiled.

by Scott Bay September 3, 2007

243๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yorba Linda

One of the most wealthy cities in Orange County, and populated mostly by spoiled rich kids who think they are very hardcore and drive very expensive cars that there CEO daddies bought for them. Also home to a large amount of hot mom's.

Look at that guy in his lowered S-10 (or BMW, Benz, etc.) trying to stare me down. He must be from Yorba Linda.

by KnightOwl April 8, 2005

325๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yorba Linda

Ranked as the richest city in the United States by the Census for 2006. A very wealthy, quiet city in Orange County, California. People are loaded but for the most part aren't as pretentious or materialistic as the beach-city counterparts of the Upper-class OC/SoCal (Newport, Laguna, La Jolla). Generally nice people, but the kids are spoiled and bratty, as to be expected.

Commonly referred to as 'the Y.L.'.

Dude: Where are you from?
Girl: Yorba Linda.
Dude: Oh, no wonder why you're so bratty and spoiled.

by Scott Bay September 15, 2007

84๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yorba Linda

Yorba Linda (also referred to as the "Dirty YL") is a truly awful Orange County suburb where kids think they are rich and powerful because their parents probably have a high level position at a company no-one cares about and makes somewhere around $400,000 a year. The average income is so high because no one makes that much but no one makes that little they are utterly upper middle class(nowhere near the "1 percent). The school district here was re-drawn specifically to keep minorities out and the majority of the kids you meet here will most likely be blatantly racist but label it being "conservative". The truth is anyone that lives in Yorba Linda wishes they lived in a real Orange County city close to the beach such as Newport and most people will leave the second they can afford to because no one ACTUALLY wants to live in Yorba Linda.

Guy 1: Hey where are you from
Guy 2: Im from Yorba Linda
Guy 1: Oh shit, that sucks

by dirtyYLbro October 25, 2016

17๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

yorba linda

where all the bros and whores live

That guy has a raised truck hes definately from yoBRO linda.
"I wanna get laid tonight!"... "Let's go to WHOREba linda."
(yorba linda)

by kim & kristi August 28, 2008

45๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž