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a dead one

a wilted Johnson; a out of tune skin flute; a overused love muscle; a floppy baby arm

girl: lets do it
boy: can't, i just unleashed in my pants when you got naked and all im left with is a dead one

by berrylads August 19, 2011

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comforting a dead one

Attempting to re-arouse an overused johnson

woman: shall we love? it is a special night afterall...

man: you can try but after all the self pleasuring ive just indulged in you would just be comforting a dead one

by berrylads August 15, 2011

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mourning a dead one

crying over a wilted Johnson

boy 1: did you see Megan Fox in that bikini on that show last night?
boy 2: yeah, i was gonna tug me Johnson but i'd already indulged in several sessions of self-pleasuring and couldn't make him salute, all i ended up doing was mourning a dead one (proceeds to cry over memories)

by berrylads August 19, 2011

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Palm me a dead one

meaning to pass off a less than perfect item, either physical or metaphorical, as though it were good.

Example 1: I asked a friend to loan me a lighter but he palmed me a dead one. (Meaning the lighter didn’t work)

Its origin are uncertain but date back to at least the Childers Muster (Rodeo) of 1997 where it is attributed to Truckin' Trev.

The phrase has been bastardized to be used in circumstances with similar meanings to the original.

Example 2: My housemate said her friend would show me a good time but it turned out she was trying to palm me a dead one. (In this case it means the opposite of a β€œlive one”, that is, the friend was boring or dull or frigid)

Example 3: The salesman said the DVD would play on all players but he had palmed me a dead one. (meaning that the DVD wouldn’t play or was blank)

Example 4: I asked my roommate to get me some milk for my coffee but she palmed me a dead one. (Meaning the carton/bottle was empty or out of date)

The phrase is not to be mistaken for any similar phrases use in the United States relating to slipping someone a bribe. That is palming someone a β€œdead president”, referring to the faces of dead presidents on the notes.

Whether it be bulbs, pipes, lighters, DVDs, food etc friends don’t palm friends dead ones. Ever!

by DocSparkle April 18, 2009

one dead soldier

Nickname for a bottle, often liquor but can be soda or anything else, that has been fully releived of its contents

"ahhh... One dead soldier *hic!* Hand me another Schlitz, willya?"

by Charles Hazelwood January 23, 2005

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One Dead Disco Dancer

1) A person who does not dance.
2) An experimental musician from Leicestershire.

One Dead Disco Dancer is fucking awesome, I'm gonna download his shit off of Demonoid right away!!

by MikeKunt August 12, 2008

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Dead Ones

1. People who are no longer relevant or will soon be irrelevant to the world 2. People who are going down a path seemingly brainwashed that will obviously lead to death

Sleepwalkers should not be woken up if avoidable but dead ones must be awoken by any means necessary

by Sinpara October 24, 2020