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*Taken Aback*
Surprised, Shocked.

Mum "They planned a surprise party for me, I was taken aback"

by F3LTZYY March 4, 2014

9👍 2👎

Taken Aback

One of the hazards faced in days of sailing ships has been incorporated into English to describe someone who has been jolted by unpleasant news. We say that person has been "taken aback." The person is at a momentary loss; unable to act or even to speak. A danger faced by sailing ships was for a sudden shift in wind to come up (from a sudden squall), blowing the sails back against the masts, putting the ship in grave danger of having the masts break off and rendering the ship totally helpless. The ship was taken aback.

He was taken aback with the bad news.

by One old man September 3, 2010

55👍 18👎