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prays 25 hours every day, very religios, loves islam and allah, needs money to support family in middle east

man 1: yooooo is that abdul?????
man 2: yes bro it is look at him pray

by abdul majabad khan April 28, 2022

49πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


is always lit for some stupid shit and is funny af

Last night's party was so abdul.

by Iridosyclitis February 5, 2017

320πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž


he’s amazing, caring and he makes me smile a lot. i love our inside jokes and he’s very handsome <3

zahra: abdul is cool ig πŸ™„

by scrimpbutt November 28, 2021

33πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Nice guy never stops supporting Manchester United cool guy total savege. Keen guy strong guy.

Hi jake I met this cool guy his name is abdul he's so strong his friend too called Kaden them to are savages.

by mmjeff November 29, 2017

31πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


a f*ck boy who has 10 side tings but all his freshie mum wants to do is get him an arranged marriage.

mum: get ready we're going to another wedding
son: whose wedding is it now?
mum: Abdul's, hes such a nice boy compared to you
son: mum he has two girlfriends

by DatFreshieLifestyle March 21, 2017

31πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


To randomly repeat words or phrases without knowledge of the correct application or meaning that a more intelligent person has recently said.

(As in the manner which Paula Abdul repeats whatever Randy Jackson says on American Idol.)

He totally abduled me when he repeated my theories on quantum physics as though they were his own.

by Dawn Phillips & Amy Speidel February 29, 2008

96πŸ‘ 176πŸ‘Ž


geek who buys too many expensive things and does not understand how to use them; mainly sports equipment.Also is very confused about the human anatomy. Often confuses elbow with shoulder.Does not like human contact. Will often tell other human,sometimes inanimate objects to get out of view.

Mannn..what an abdul.

by S R K November 12, 2006

82πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž