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Accelerate is a beautiful written dnf smut(dream not found) fanfic found on AO3.

Hey man have you read that dnf book?
Which one accelerate?
Yeah that one it's really gay.

by Your mom LOL XD๐Ÿ’…โœจ June 20, 2021

74๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Defined as the change in velocity over a period of time. Acceleration is a vector quantity and therefore is stated as a quantity with a direction.

a = (v-u)/t (where a, v and u are vectors)

Where (using SI units):
a = acceleration of the body in metres per second per second (ms^-2, or metres per second squared)
v = final velocity of the body in metres per second (ms^-1)
u = initial velocity of the body in metres per second (ms^-1)
t = time period between the initial and final velocity, in seconds (s)

An accelerating body can also be decelerating (ie, negative acceleration) or be at rest. Also, instantaneous acceleration is a bit different.

1) A car that is travelling at 2ms^-1 changes its speed to 6ms^-1 over a period of five seconds, and doesn't change direction. During that five seconds, it had an average acceleration of .8ms^-2 in initial direction.

2) A car travelling forwards at 2ms^-1 is suddenly put into reverse and five seconds later it is travelling 2ms^-2 backwards. It's average acceleration is .8ms^-2 backwards (-.8ms^-2 forwards). Note in this example, the car would have been temporarily at rest just when it changes direction. It is still accelerating (in negative direction, ie backwards, ie decelerating) during this period.

by White Razor April 10, 2007

47๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


To increase the velocity of something. To speed something up. To step on the gas.

I hit the gas and I accelerate.

by 5'1"Racer December 27, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


The accelerator is a sex move in which the man licks his index finger and tickles the womans anus while taking her from behind. The unexpected tingling sensation is a surprising and highly pleasurable experience for both parties.

Nic: Hey man have you tried the accelerator yet?
Andy: Yeah man i did it last night! She won't have it any other way from now on.

by pussyslayer1991 March 28, 2011

42๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


To speed(positive acceleration, aka acceleration) up slow down(Negative acceleration, aka deceleration)or change direction(aka turn)

I accelerated out of the street accelerated as i stopped at the light and accelerated as i turned the corner

by Daniel Cannon January 11, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a man/woman is destined to break up with their partner and so by sleeping with them you simply accelerate the process, thus providing a useful service, you are then an accelerator.

One bloke talking to another in a pub - "My friend Samantha is just waiting to dump her annoying boyfriend so if I sleep with her this weekend then I am just acting as an accelerator"

by captain assbeard January 18, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The process of getting high on speed

Yeah baby! I'm getting mad acceleration on this shit!

by Brovahkiin93 June 3, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž