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An endocrine disease characterized by large limbs, protruding jaw, and a prominent forehead. These physical features are due to excessive secretion of IGF-1 (insulin growth factor-1) due to a tumor at the pituitary gland. Most humans and animals who have acromegaly are of unusually large stature and a tend to have other medical complications including resistant diabetes mellitus and cardiac disease.

"Whats up with that circus guy from Big Fish?"

-I don't know much about him other than he has acromegaly.

"Andre the Giant was the greatest wrestler/actor of all time AND has acromegaly!"


"I think Lurch from the Adam's family has acromegaly."

-I think you're right.

"Fuck, my cat has resistant diabetes and a high IGF level, I think he has acromegaly.

-MRI that bitch and lets find out.

by nomaticflower November 30, 2013