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Air Show

When something is going to crash and burn. Could be a relationship, situation, objects....

Katie and Robbie are getting RE-Married.... To each other?!!?! Oh man, that's going to be an Air Show...

I know if we go to Belo on Friday, it's going to be an air show.

by DannyAnnieBeauFanny March 25, 2010

321👍 205👎

Air Show

A sexual act where 5 or more men all do the "helicopter dick" in synchronization.

Person 1: "Did you hear what the football team have been doing in the changing rooms lately?"
Person 2: "Yeah, I've heard that they are putting on an Air Show"

by d4rk01 September 7, 2013

7👍 2👎

Elkhart Air Show

While in the act of cunnilingus, the female passes gas into the males face.

I was going down on this chick, and then she gave me the ol' Elkhart Air Show.

by telemudcat February 2, 2010

7👍 3👎

The Air And Water Show

The unfortunate event of shitting and puking at the same time.

"Did you find Jimmy?"
"Yeah he's in the john. It's the air and water show in there!"

by Shoc And Awe June 25, 2014

1👍 1👎

Michigan Air Show

A Michigan Air Show is a dumb idea that will end in disaster.

She may be a total psycho but, sure, I'll go out with her. It'll be a real Michigan Air Show.

by Professor Wagglehead July 3, 2022