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Ducked Up

Mainly for females. Happens after a full weekend of partying and ones feet are badly injured to where she waddles due to severe pain.

"OMG, it was such a great weekend. We were all over downtown and lost the car. Man, I am so ducked up.... I can't put shoes on."

by DannyAnnieBeauFanny June 17, 2009

225πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Wii Chi

The positive power force in a good game of Wii.

OMG! He is completely fucking up my Wii Chi!!! I can't even play with him in the same room.

by DannyAnnieBeauFanny February 17, 2010

275πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž


No Fucking Bueno; When something is REALLY bad and needs to be corrected now.

Nurse, "The doctor said that dog's platelet count is NFB and it needs blood now!"

by DannyAnnieBeauFanny January 31, 2009

300πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž

Soggy Mittens

When you are sad and your methaphorical mittens become drenched with your tears of sorrow.

Oh, Lauren has soggy mittens from not being able to leave work early.

by DannyAnnieBeauFanny July 2, 2010

294πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž

Air Show

When something is going to crash and burn. Could be a relationship, situation, objects....

Katie and Robbie are getting RE-Married.... To each other?!!?! Oh man, that's going to be an Air Show...

I know if we go to Belo on Friday, it's going to be an air show.

by DannyAnnieBeauFanny March 25, 2010

321πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž

Pissie Fit

Unlike a hissie fit, a pissie fit can last several days or months.

Where all parties invovled are stubborn and uncooparative, knowing that in the end reconciliation will happen.

It's ok. Its just a pissie fit.. Give it 10 days and it will be like nothing happened.

by DannyAnnieBeauFanny November 23, 2010

81πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


An employee of Qualcomm. This term is typically a derogatory term used to describe an employee who is perpetually idle and hides his/her laziness in the masses of the large corporation.

If you are an outstanding employee of Qualcomm, you are said to be "Employed by Qualcomm" instead of being a "Qualcommer".

Ricardo is a typical Qualcommer... He doesn't do anything but show up to meetings and nod his head.

by DannyAnnieBeauFanny January 31, 2009

191πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž