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The word amen is a declaration of affirmation.

Amen to that!

by khalyd November 16, 2013

135๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


The word Amen in Egyptian use

1. Amen (Amon, Amun, Ammon, Amoun, Amen-Ra,) The King of the Egyptian gods. He was the personification of the unknown and hidden powers of creation. Amon was the Vizier of the poor, protected the weak from the strong and was the upholder of Justice. Worshippers who requested favors from Amen were required to confess their sins prior or otherwise show their worthiness. This God himself was said to be "hidden". When shown in seated form, The god Amen holds the scepter of ruler-ship in one hand, and the symbol of life in the other. Amen's female counterpart and consort was Ament (aka Amaunet, Mut). As Thoth, Amen was one of the eight primary Egyptian gods of Creation. Initially the God of Thebes, Amon became the promenent god in the Upper Eygpt kingdom, following a period of conquest by the 11th Dynasy's Princes. According to later traditions, Amon was a self created god. Political maneuverings by the priests and certain nobles eventually destroyed Amon's popularity among the people, (from movements in Thutmosis IV's reign, until it came to a head in Akhetaten's reign when that pharaoh began a campaign to remove the name Amon from all public places. Tutankhamon tried to restore the old gods, however for Amon, this was only marginally successful as the country focused on the Osirian Gods.)

2. The Eygptian root of Amen is "Hidden" and was common usage in texts of all the Egyptian periods to infer: What was hidden, what can not be seen, what is not seen, and similar usage.

3. In Ptolemaic period the name Amen was connected with the root "men" (meaning: to be permanent, eternal, to abide).

1. Amen-Ra, Amen-Thoth.

2. The true name and form of Ra is amen from mortals.

3. Amen is eternal.

by RickyB September 23, 2007

54๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term that originally comes from the Hebrew word "Emet" (truth). It is not from Arabic, the Arabic word has been originated from the Hebrew one.
It is often mentioned in both Jewish and Christian prayers. The Christian use of the word was inherited from the Jewish tradition of using it in prayers, pretty much like the word Hallelujah ("praise God" in Hebrew).
In Israel, it is sometimes used as a slang in everyday speech.

The term has two meanings:
1) What you just said, is the truth.
2) I wish that what you just said, will become the truth.

Examples to the two meanings of the word:
(in a jewish synagogue)
Rabbi: And so the God of Israel has freed his nation from slavery in Egypt.
Jew: Amen. (It is the truth)

John: ...And so, we will crush the other team in this football game!
Bob: Amen!! (It will be the truth)

by Urban_Fellow February 21, 2007

82๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


ey-men, ah-men

1. It is so, or so be it. Usually used after a prayer, but also used as an affirmation after a statement by someone else.

2. A title for Jesus Christ (Revelation 3:14) meaning Truth.

All the people said "amen."

by musdan77 July 2, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sampled drum loop of the Winston Brothers. Mostly used for drum'n'bass.

Damn that amen was slammin'!

by dR December 28, 2004

56๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


has a big cock, big muscles and a right opinion on everything

amen is so sexy OMG!

by sexy_nigga_101 November 26, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


The word Amen is a word used by Muslims and Christians. Muslims used the word first and was pronouced Ameen. after the Christians got a hold of it, it became Amen. Muslims to this day say Ameen, Christians say Amen.

(Ameen and Amen are both said at the end of both the Muslim and Christian version of Grace)

Muslim: In the name of god, most gracious, most merciful, ameen.

Christian:Thank the lord in heaven for this food amen.

by DEATH5089 November 19, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž