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and i was like ahh

Obnoxious people use this phrase after they have recited an anecdote about their petty tribulations.

This is to compensate for their complete absence of wit or original insight into anything.

Teenage girl drops her lipstick.

Girl: Omigod becki, this morning i was like, putting my lipstick on, and then i dropped it and there was lipstick like alllllll over the floor and i was like AHH!!!!
Boy: uhhh... how exactly can you be "like ahh"?
Girl: I apologise for my poor use of English. I tend to use "like" as an all-purpose word. Yes, I was slightly disgrunted at the time, but I wasn't physically comparable to a sound, nor did I actually raise my hands in the air and shout "AHH!"
Boy: I think makeup and clothes stores contain brain-destroying chemicals.
Girl: Help me.

by fanboy January 2, 2005

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