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The meaning for appule is apple

I think that appule iPhone looks cool

by RedDreams December 12, 2019

1👍 1👎


verb, An act of being really excited by the prospect of apples.

And there I screamed, "APPUL!" in the middle of the isle.

by Beached raven April 1, 2016

33👍 4👎


Overly enjoying the apps on your iphone, and making everyone around you aware of said enjoyment. typically involves excessive sharing and demonstrating of the many useless apps on the iphone, particularly to people who are not remotely interested

Mother: "Look at this awesome new app on my iphone!"
Son: *rolls eyes* "Please stop appulating at the dinner table."

by classy-c July 21, 2009

8👍 4👎

Appulation explosion

The situation where too many apps are downloaded on a cell phone. (Derivation- Based on population explosion. )

Oh gosh ! Now where has that app gone ? My phone has too many apps .
My phone suufers from appulation explosion !

by Nodcrafty charlatan July 27, 2021

13👍 1👎