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Armchair Fan

People who claim to have a huge interest in a Football team they very rarely watch and when they do watch it is on the television, mainly Match of the day. Most armchair fans support Man UTD.

Greg Clayton is a Man UTD 'fan' who averages 5 games a season watched on match of the day but seems to think he knows whats going on. This is an armchair fan.

by kopitekid May 22, 2009

125👍 21👎

Armchair Fan

A fan of american football or any sport where they react in an extreme way to the teams ups and downs without any actual knowledge of the sport. Often calling into radio shows to voice their displeasure.

Radio Caller: The Eagles lost this past weekend, fire the coach and bench the QB! I never liked those bums anyway!

Steve: Damn armchair fans know nothing about football. One games does not a season make!

by StickyOne September 30, 2015

7👍 6👎

Armchair fan

Some one who claims to be a mad football fanatic and follows a team but never goes to watch them play they watch them from the comfort of their armchair, they mostly follow teams like Manchester United Chelsea Arsenal or Liverpool

Armchair fan:Yeahhhhhhh Liverpool won 5-2 against Fulham yeah go the reds

Fulham fan:"Did you go to the game"?

Armchair fan:"Na I just watched it from home like I always do"

Fulham fan:"Ha you armchair fan I was at the game and even though we lost 5-2 our fans still sung with their heads held high & there hardly was a Liverpool supporter in sight,Typical armchair fans"

by Harry69 May 12, 2011

27👍 46👎