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Aroon is a guy that likes to hangout with his friends a lot.Girls love him because heโ€™s cute and a gentleman.He likes to try something new in his life.He is so funny,cool,and a great guy. He is so special because he never gives up on nothing.His favorite hobby is to dance.His a great guy that wants to follow his dreams!!!!!

Aroon is a cool dude because his funny,cute,and a gentleman!!!!!

by Alex hurtado October 20, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The art of being impregnated, sexually harassed, touched by... etc. Only an elite few gain this accolade!

a: 'I got arooned'
b: 'No shit for real?'
a: 'Yeah'
b: 'Shit'
a: 'I know... then he Arooned a horse'
b: 'LOL'
a: 'He loves horses'
b: 'Whata pervert, poor horse, was it ok?'
a: 'Dunno, i ran away'

by HeRsH2009 April 26, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


dumb ass mofo that is way too easy to make fun of sarcasticly

aroon:I like TV
Me:You dont say!

by Brendan Gilliam April 3, 2004

36๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

aroon posey

Aroon posey is one of the sweetest youโ€™ll meet. Donโ€™t get it twisted though cause he will hurt you if you hurt one of his loved ones. He has a nice smile, beautiful like, heโ€™s handsome, compliments others, has a kind heart, is very secretive unless itโ€™s with one person. He is a keeper. A low key bad boy. He is good in bed and will make you never wanna leave, he is a freak when it comes down to his significant other. He will break you in bed. Has a big penis and is usually 5โ€™6- 5โ€™8. He will treat you like a queen if he can be your king. He is sexy.

Her: Is that Aroon posey

Him: yeah, why?
Her: heโ€™s hot and badass
Him: you got me so donโ€™t worry about anything else
Her: shut the fuck up. You only have 3 inches. Boy bye

by Emma.belle November 26, 2019


A very smart, intelligent, tall and handsome man

He is such an Aroon

by 2GutFordis July 27, 2019