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adj., n.: short for retardation. connotation of being absurd, silly, or ridiculous.
Background: Derives from a sentence uttered in Cody Banks: "My name is Banks, Cody Banks"---- "My name is ation, Retard Ation."

A: "I can't go to the show with you because I got grounded."
B: "Ation! That sucks...."

by May November 24, 2004

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


the point between international and national.

Dude that chick is definitely ational.
I’d say that ocean falls ational.

by NEWER WORDS August 18, 2021


The opposite of salvation. The act of becoming unholy

I can’t desire if I want salvation or slave-ation

by Bibleman234 July 4, 2021


A real word that describes the sensation you feel before collapsing.

I felt a collaps-ation and then I fell.

by Not Voltreus July 19, 2021


If a vacation where you stay at home is now called a stay-cation, then a vacation where you have to go someplace awful is therefore a suck-ation.

If you have to spend a weeks worth of your paid time off to go to your in-law's house, that qualifies as a suck-ation.

by Boodles Toodles July 28, 2009

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Shitty situation.

This is why I don't date girls, because i always it always ends up in a shitty-ation. Bitch be trippin'.

by DyldoBaggins April 9, 2012


A real word used in San Antonio, TX to describe the sensation leading up to a collapse

This collaps-ation is my making!

by This isn't Voltreus August 20, 2021