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Someone who loves and desires attention, they seek attention and sometimes live off of attention. They will do anything for attention even things that is immoral like posting pictures half naked, backstabbing, lying, fake crying, acting insecure for compliments.

Most girl attention seekers are called Melissa, Jenny, Jessica, Lezil, and DΓ©sirΓ©.

Girl1: I'm so ugly, I think everyone is prettier than me.
Girl2: Please stop attention-seeking, it's really irritating. Everyone knows you think you are hot why else would you take thousands of pictures and half naked too. Just get over yourself.

by TheForener April 30, 2013

63πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

attention seeking

someone that it incredibly annoying and will do anything to be in the spotlight!!! commonly known from lauren mcgrath’s slang

Damn. She’s so attention seeking. That bitch will do anything for people to look at her...

by chompingbecky April 29, 2018

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Attention seeking

Somebody who's more desperate than usual to get undue credit and respect.

He/she was attention seeking his/her entire life.

by Solid Mantis November 18, 2019

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Attention seeking

Someone always looking for attention.

Marcus says β€œI’m colourblind”
Everyone β€œno”
Marcus is an attention seeker

Attention seeker - DescriptionAttention seeking behavior is to act in a way that is likely to elicit attention, usually to elicit validation from others. People are thought to engage in both positive and negative attention seeking behavior independent of the actual benefit or harm to health.

by I always tell the truth no lir October 2, 2020

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attention seeking whore

1) someone who will do anything to get attention; namely whore herself out, sleep around, cry for no reason, dance like a slut, etc.
2) someone who has a folder full of their "selfies" on their desktop
3) someone who wears a shirt as a dress and says "oops!!"
4) she feels like she's in constant competition with people even though there CLEARLY is no competition
5) doesn't understand why "good guys don't like her" even though she's obvs a slut

Mary, you're such an attention seeking whore!! Pull your dress down!

by the mary-opposition-coalition October 31, 2008

164πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

attention seeking slut

A.S.S. - Attention seeking sluts.

They will stop at nothing to get others to notice them.

Usually spotted wearing low V-neck shirts, short shorts, cheer shorts, lots of makeup, overdone hair, and usually jewelry.

Can be any age from twelve to sixteen.
Originally made up to describe school cheerleaders in middle and high school.

Person One: That cheerleader is such an attention seeking slut!
Person Two: You mean A.S.S. right?

by DanielleLikesYouPeople October 26, 2010

42πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

attention seeking whore

noun- someone who will do anything to get attention from someone. most of the time its a girl. she doesnt always dress like a whore, and act like one...she just trys to talk to every single person she meets. if someone calls you an attention seeking whoe, do not assume theyre calling you a whore. they are saying you like attention from guys, and thats all youre trying to do. these type of people beome obsessive, annoying, and most of the time they are ugly. They are lonely, unloved, no one cares aboiut them, self-conscious. the only person that loves them is jesus. attention seeking whores will make up lies to what they do or what they like solemly for attention. Without the lies that make up who "they" are, nobody would pay any attention to them. being an attention seeking whore is basically the same thing as the following: ugly, annoying, obsessive, repulsive, has pimples, loud, and thier curfew is 7 oclock. when youre in highschool and youre an attention seeking whore, you really have no life and you have no potential to obtain a life of any excitement at all.

Girl: salena is an attention seeking whore!
Guy: salena? that girl is really nice, she added me on facebook randomly last week and we talked.
Girl: exactly.

by Gail Leslie Salena December 30, 2011

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