Source Code


to bid and or place a bid on a item up for sale

today in California the auctions are going to be spectacular



A person in the passenger seat of an automobile that forgets they are giving directions to the driver only to yell the direction to turn multiple times at an unintelligible speed at the driver as the car goes past the desired turn.

I was giving Sara a Chicago Meat Hook last ni... Left!!! left!! left!! left!!!!!!! You missed the turn Gilligan!

I'd have made it if you were paying attention instead of waiting till the last second and doing the auctioner.

by Maybeillcatchfire August 3, 2008

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Couch Auction

When a group of Facebook trolls find random live streams and ask about an imaginary couch they are selling. These trolls normally focus on Pearl Parties and Jewelry Showcases being broadcasted on Facebook Live by old women. If one person asks, they look stupid, but when these trolls come in numbers 20+, they are powerful. They will call the broadcaster the opposite gender to anger them more.

These trolls will send messages like:
"Am I too late for the couch auction?"
"Young man/lady, did you sell the couch yet?"
"Hi, is the couch still for sale?"
"Hello, I saw a craigslist ad that said you were selling a couch."
"Your friend Ashanti told me you're selling a couch."
"Show us the couch little girl/boy."
"Shoe on head"

The only way to fend these trolls off is putting a shoe on your head. They take a screenshot, put it in their troll group, then leave. All in all, they are very harmless and will not post obscene or vulgar messages on your live video. They just want to buy your couch or see a shoe on your head.

Lady: Ok everyone, here is number 22 it is a silver neckla-
Troll: Hi young man, am I too late for the Couch Auction?
Lady: No, this is not a couch auction and I am not a man. This is a jewelry showcase.
Troll: Ashanti sent me. She said you're selling your couch. Do not lie, little boy
Lady: I am not selling a couch! Get a life
Troll: Shoe on head

by iDateBlackGirls December 17, 2017

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Silent Auctioning

The act of staring at a womans camel toe, the opposite of basket shopping.

I was silent auctioning the shit out of this chicks vag today.

by TheClucass October 7, 2010

auction hangover

the bad feeling you experience after you drink too much at a charity auction and spend money you don't have

I have a bad auction hangover. I got drunk and bought a 9 liter bottle of fine wine. Unfortunately, I have to take out a second mortgage, but at least I outbid paddle #78 and showed him who's boss. Of course, I did it for the children.

by napajoe June 11, 2014

Auction Wank

The act of masturbation in which the climax, being an orgasm or ejaculation, is perfectly in sync with some sort of auction (eBay etc).

Created at around the very beginning of eBay, in London, when auctions became affiliated with computer systems. The year of 1995.

'Hey guys, last night I had the best Auction Wank! I came just as I won my new wardrobe!'

by monkeywithamelon March 17, 2013

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food auction

The annoying few moments in a sub-par restaurant where a pimple faced and/or ESL food runner stands next to your table asking "who had the <insert entree here>"

I had to endure a 5 minute food auction at Molly's dinner party last night at Appleby's

by MC Johnny P August 21, 2012