Source Code


1.Of or relating to "hot"
2.Of or relating to the word "hell"

1. Look at that freaking aych!
2. It's Aych as aych out here god damnit!
3. I need an aych as aych girl in my pants right now holy sweeps!

by Risc Fo'l November 25, 2005

10👍 14👎

Aych P

An aych p is a persie hit of 80% marijuana and 20% tobacco (from a gutted out blunt, or, for the more refined smoker, fine cavindish) from a bong. It gives you an awesome nicotine head rush as well as an amazing chronic high.

"Whatd u do last night homie?"
"Me and ur boy just chilled and did aych p's all night"
"Word? Did homeboy throw up again"
"Haha Na he was good"

by Sparks Bluntley January 5, 2011


2-AycH is a young musical prodigy who has been interested in rap and music since his mother birthed him from the womb.

At every chance this young man has, he puts out all of his will to achieve the most he can.

Every time he preforms he gathers a group of fans and supporters, cheering him on as he raps his heart out.

He puts his soul and heart into making his songs reach out to everyone in every situation.

Nothing can hold him back from becoming who he strives to be. Every inspirational moment creates a new door to create something new that moves people in many ways.

2-AycH is the best rapper i have ever heard!

Hey, are you going to see 2-Aych preform tonight? It's going to be badass.

by 2-Aych's Secret Fan November 12, 2010

4👍 3👎


A hot ass girl she’s so fine and sexy like she’s out of everyone’s league. A person with an Aycheli can never upset her even a bit or else the whole week is going to be bad.

Omg that girl is definitely an Aycheli

by DaddyBeto December 4, 2021