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He is easy to talk to, funny, unique, cute, talented, kind, and loving. He is always there to talk and will make a great friend or boyfriend, usually has light hair. Plays basketball and football and loves the outdoors. You would be very lucky to have a Brock in your life! Many girls are all over him! He is very protective over the ones he cares for most so don't tick him off or you will wish you never met him!

Brock is so protective

I want a Brock

#brock #loving #hot

by Xo_define_names_xo November 6, 2017

582๐Ÿ‘ 166๐Ÿ‘Ž


A true Fucking badass with a huge dick. he also is nice caring and is a great friend.

Brock if a fucking beast

by Eli bishop March 20, 2018

631๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž


A kind, caring, loyal, loving, gentle yet strong man. A real man, one who always tries to please the one he loves. He is fun,thoughtful,respectful. He never forgets a birthday,anniversary or holiday.He is Educated, hard working, and ambitious. One who always meets challenges set in front of him. Loves family, friends and Dogs! Enjoys the outdoors and football but is able to enjoy and adapt to his surroundings where ever he is. Can be comfortable sitting around a campfire or at the symphony. He is a well rounded gentleman. You would be lucky to have a Brock. He can be your best friend, your lover and your confidant. a man you would be proud to bring home to Mother.

Brock is Amazing!

Brock is so Good looking!

I want a Brock.

Being with a Brock makes you feel Safe and Loved.

by missingU February 5, 2010

2117๐Ÿ‘ 779๐Ÿ‘Ž


brock is an amazing guy, he makes everyone smile and is always caring, he will always ask if somethings wrong and if there is he will try and fix the problem. Brock is an amazing friend and anyone will be grateful to have a best friend like him

"brock is so nice"

by hcbihbcqifhqiufhqoufhq March 8, 2017

116๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


an extremely attractive guy thats tan, tall, cute smile, perfect body, brown eyes, and short hair. is often sarcastic and makes random jokes. super hilarious. is very fun to be around. very interesting individual. not your average, everyday guy. different but in a good way. a loyal friend/boyfriend. not afraid to speak his mind or be himself. not always on the talkative side but hes a good listener and always there when you need him. doesnt like people. makes fun of everything and everyone. insecure about certain things. not an open guy if your not close to him. a real challenge to get to know but once you do hes an amazing guy with an amazing heart,but he hides it behind his cocky personality. good taste in music. he also knows how to treat a girl right, and is a good kisser. hes just all around amazing even if he doesnt know it yet. hes the reason to get up in the mornings. cant live without this kid. hes super lovable underneath it all. he demands patience but any girl would be lucky to have him, who knows, you might even fall in love with him... ;)

I'm glad to have a Brock in my life.

by unicornsrule April 7, 2011

523๐Ÿ‘ 213๐Ÿ‘Ž


little round dude, pretty cool. Can't spell.

Brodie: "Ayye Brock, bring me a hot pocket!"

Brock: "hadinger finger, slinger patingertinger!"

by Slingerpatingertinger August 12, 2017

16๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Brock is really fucking hot. He is the popular kid at school. He's good at sport and is really fucking quick. his friends are usually Lachie, Logan and Jack.His type is sporty, has his sense of humor, skinny and really prettyo.

Oh my lord, did you see Brock today, he's sooooo hot!

by spamzzzz August 11, 2018

71๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž