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Term given to junior grimes batman. the titular protagonist of “the batman jr grimes” where the arrogance and violent mentality drives this celebrity to don the cape and cowl and go after the real bad guys; drug dealers, human traffickers and mobsters

Batjune first was announced in early 2018 by everyone on Twitter after rumors circulated that a sort of batman “fanfic” was in the works but it’s apparent that The Batman jr grimes is something else entirely

Junior Grimes is a real life batman who is possibly the realest interpretation as he’s mentally ill and uses his tools and knowledge to violently destroy crime as well as metaphorically trying to save himself.

Batfleck if he had a son it’d be batjune

WB: your all too weak! No one can stop me, for your pathetic batmen are old and past their prime

Batfleck and Nolan batman: we can’t, but he can

*pointing at a flying shadow coming towards the WB executives*

Batjune: RRRRAAUGH!!!!! *kicks them all down a cliff

WB: *dies*

Batjune (junior Grimes)


Batjune is the portmanteau of junior grimes batman pretty much, no need to cause such confusion or chaos (which unsurprisingly is what old J would love to happen)


If there’s a violent and young merciless batman it’s DEFINITELY batjune, not even red hood competes


Defined . “Batjune”


by Husseinberg September 24, 2021


Term given to junior grimes batman. the titular protagonist of “the batman jr grimes” where the arrogance and violent mentality drives this celebrity to don the cape and cowl and go after the real bad guys; drug dealers, human traffickers and mobsters

Batjune first was announced in early 2018 by everyone on Twitter after rumors circulated that a sort of batman “fanfic” was in the works but it’s apparent that The Batman jr grimes is something else entirely

Junior Grimes is a real life batman who is possibly the realest interpretation as he’s mentally ill and uses his tools and knowledge to violently destroy crime as well as metaphorically trying to save himself.

Batfleck if he had a son it’d be batjune


WB: your all too weak! No one can stop me, for your pathetic batmen are old and past their prime

Batfleck and Nolan batman: we can’t, but he can

*pointing at a flying shadow coming towards the WB executives*

Batjune: RRRRAAUGH!!!!! *kicks them all down a cliff

WB: *dies*

Batjune (junior Grimes)


Batjune is the portmanteau of junior grimes batman pretty much, no need to cause such confusion or chaos (which unsurprisingly is what old J would love to happen)


If there’s a violent and young merciless batman it’s DEFINITELY batjune, not even red hood competes


Defined . “Batjune”

by Righteous skill October 8, 2021