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berocca is a soluble table of high performance vitamins. known by the phrase b-b-berocca brings back your b-b-bounce.
high energy and high performance

you are berocca today

by Liana March 12, 2005

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Berocca Bomb

When a Berocca effervescent tablet is used to create a lethal liquid capable of spoiling the worlds toughest advanced materials. Berocca tablets are standard issue in many national intelligence agencies and are used as espionage tools to destroy important infrastructure and high tech electronics.

Dude, did you hear about that US Navy Seal who blew his way out of a North Korean prison with a Berocca Bomb?

by AndrΓ©us February 3, 2018

Berocca shock

The brief moment of panic when you do a bright orange piss having completely forgotten that you took a Berocca.

'I think my kidneys may have shut down. I had a lot to drink yesterday and my piss is bright yellow...'
'Don't panic, this sounds like a possible case of Berocca shock.'
'ah yes...'

by scarramanga October 6, 2009

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Dirty Berocca

When you insert several Berocca tablets inside your partners anus and then fill said anus with your own urine. This act produces what is known in the trade as a Dirty Berocca.

Stand back! Jenny is attempting a Dirty Berocca

by Civilian360 March 26, 2021

berocca in my coffee

A euphemisn for anal sex. Originally defined as any homosexual activity, the term grew to mean any type of anal sex in general. (Hetrosexual or otherwise).

Designed to allow those who engage in the act to talk about their sexual exploits in relative secrecy around people unaware of the definition. Although has become less effective as it has spread to be fairly commonly known in its city of origin. Melbourne, Australia.

Berocca itself is a tablet soluble in water that contains vitamins and is used to aid general health and well being. It is popular as a hangover preventative or cure.

Scenario 1

Christian: Dude way to much berocca in my coffee this morning.

David: You shouldn't mix berocca and coffee that would taste terrible!

Christian: No dude, I mean I had my ass pounded like a freight train and can't walk straight, duh.

David: Oh I get it, the coffee is your butt, and berocca is a black man's penis. You gay guys crack me up with your crazy words.

Scenario 2

Mary: (on a crowded train) Wow I got some serious berocca in my coffee last night.

Julia: Oh yeah, who's the lucky barista?

Stranger: Do you girls mind!? I don't need or want to hear about how much berocca you got last night. Jeez.

by Cantbedave July 12, 2010

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