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bitch killa

a complete badass that doesn't take shit from nobody

Yo that guy is such a bitch killa he flipped off the teacher and beat the shit out of that black kid.

by disneysucks June 12, 2007

44👍 10👎

Slick bitch killa

A slick bitch killa is someone who thinks they have bitches, says they have bitches but they do not have bitches

Ex. Slick bitch killa has bitches
Reality: slick bitch killa does not have bitches

by $Bandit88$ May 6, 2021

bitch face killa

a girl who's glare would kill you if you were not wearing your anti-whore armour

The bitch face killa made me cream my drawers with her glance in my general direction

by Shawn March 14, 2003

12👍 3👎