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The Australian cult leader of Chase Atlantic, this man does not know how to speak clearly. And often uses “yuh” is every sentence, he also often speaks about his dick.

Person 1: “have you heard the song devilish?”

Person 2: “no not really, I couldn’t understand what Bitchel was saying”

by Saxgod July 20, 2019

1👍 1👎


(A combination of the words Bitch and Bushel)
1. a group of annoying girls that will not shut up
2. a gathering of bitches

-I was studying when I was disturbed by a loud and obnoxious bitchel

by Solo H December 11, 2010

34👍 3👎


Real name is normally Michele (one 'L'). Biggest bitch you'll ever meet. Looks to deceive. Is nice to face but talk behind back constantly. You can call her Jeffery dahmer because she'll eat your heart out. Manish looking. Looks resembling sea hag, elephants asshole, or a dolphins penis. Pathological lair. Horrible mother. Conceited to the fullest extent. Puts on show but is the biggest pussy. Will stab you in the back at time never expected.

Person 1: My best friend just screwed up my whole life.

Person 2: She sounds like a bitchele.

by oreogirl June 14, 2015


A nickname given to a friend who has the name 'Mitch', which, means one is an individual who can be easily roasted out of his mind, who also is unable to counter with his own witty remark, and will resort to using remarks such as, "man, you are so gay" or, if you are eating a carrot while making jokes, "man, you're just munchin' on that dick". He also will make use of the word 'holy', in order to blow off anything that has happened in the vicinity.

Guy 1: "That dude is a total bitchel!"
Bitchel: "HOLY, no need! And stop fuckin' roasting me, bitch!"

by brootal21 March 3, 2015

15👍 2👎


Basically the essence of life. A word used to describe almost anything, good or bad.

"That is SO bichell!"
"You're bitchell"
"OMG, that is so UN-bitchell"
"That hurt like a bitchell"

and the ever so famous

by Bitchell_Glen_Coco May 10, 2009

19👍 11👎


someone of male or female gender who's always jealous or hating on you.

damn all these hoes up in here are bitchelous!

by cbhy December 21, 2017


A term of endearment. Used to show people named Mitchell, that you love them very much.

Friend: BITCHELL! :)

Mitchell: Awe, I love you too bro!

by mrman4 October 7, 2011

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