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Blaire is the nicest, most caring girl you'll ever meet. She has the softest heart and don't ever stop making you feel loved. She is peaceful and smart and funny in her own cute little way. She is beautiful but doesn't act like it. If you don't have a Blaire friend, get one. She is the kind of girl most guys only dream about.

Blaire: "Hi my name is Blaire"
Guy: *fans face* "Whew is it hot in here?"

by Jwalk3 June 6, 2018

61๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Blaire is the funniest girl you will ever meet.She wil cheer you up for sure. She is beautiful, even though she doesn't know it. She is very understanding. She has an awesome taste in music. She is the best friend I could ever ask for. If you don't know a Blaire, you have not lived.

Guy 1:Who's that cool girl?
Guy 2:That's Blaire.

by Idkwhattoputforaname April 5, 2015

182๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sheโ€™s probably faced hard challenges, so she makes many mistakes. A beautiful and nice girl but if you get on her bad side you will get it. She tries so hard to help people when she needs the most help but she tries to hide it. She canโ€™t get over mistakes she made in the past so cries every night hoping something good will come her way.She probably really shy and has 2 close friends but if she opens up to you she trust you and donโ€™t let go of her.

1: Whoโ€™s that
2: Oh that my best friend Blaire. Sheโ€™s like the nicest person youโ€™ll ever meet.

by hialowbsuasns November 1, 2020


Not your usual girl...she's the kind of girl that's really fair and energetic. She has a few good friends but nobody really hates her. Anybody could talk to her and little kids adore her. People thinks she gorgeous and hawt! Boys secretly love her.

Dude, that girl is so blaire, i think i love her!

by danthestanman June 5, 2011

163๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


Blaire is a queen. It takes a while for her to warm up to you but after she does, you mean the world to her, sheโ€™s sweet and caring, but also has her bad ass side and wonโ€™t let you bad mouth her with out a fight. If you know a Blaire, keep her in your life at all costs.

Liam: That girl is awesome!! Who is she!!
Lulu: Oh, thatโ€™s Blaire. Sheโ€™s the best!

by heyitsemma_ July 26, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Blaire is a girl name and Blair is a boy name!

Blaire is a really pretty gil, she is strong and really smart. She plays lots of sports and is really kind and has alot of friends.

by Mandy6787 March 26, 2010

229๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


A combination of the words "blatant" and "flair". Blaire is the highest degree of abroseph or egotistical behavior that one can possibly achieve. Blaire can also be used as a quantity or measurement to describe a beyond excessive amount of outrageous behavior.

"You're being very Blaire right now. I don't appreciate it"

One would ask, "On a scale of over 9,000 to Blaire, how abroseph do you think they are being right now?"

If one says, "That's too much Blaire!"
The other would respond by saying "That's redundant."

by H o s p i t a l May 13, 2010

58๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž