Source Code


Major bugs in software development that have to be fixed before release of RC or even final product.

Blockers have to be fixed before shifting to another phase of SD.

by le1 March 8, 2008

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Something a doctor would prescribe to a Heroin addict, usually by way of bail conditions issued by the courts, which BLOCKS the effect of any Heroin taken or gives the user undesired effects e.g Nausea, shakes, cold sweats etc

Commonly used in the Castleford, England area among others

"Maffys on the blockers again, he got caught shop lifting an the courts included taking them as part of his bail conditons. There going to test his piss to make sure he's taking them" said Liam to Dan

by Dr Do-Not-Alot April 8, 2010

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When a girl wears tight pants and big panties under em.

Yo tina got a phat ass but them panties are huge, she blocking.

by Dan The Mizzan May 16, 2005

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A slang method used to refer to BluBlocker sunglasses.

Yo, check out Gordon and his fresh new pair of Blockers.

by Not_even19 April 13, 2011

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When a dude is trynna get wit ta female and a jealous or juss plain annyoing friend keeps jumping tha way "blocking" tha progress.

I saw a hella fly chick lass nite at tha club but her friend was a tha biggest blocker eva.
Da cutest boy at da club was hittin on my friend instead of me so I had to be a blocker and mess up his game.

by Nunyabusinesshoe June 14, 2008

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When a girl falls asleep on the couch, and refuses to go to bed, with the sole purpose of preventing you from stretching out and relaxing.

Sara was obviously tired, but she refused to leave the couch and hold her position as a blocker.

by m00z January 8, 2009

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In online multiplayer gameplay, usally FPS (first person shooter), a 'blocker' is someone who blocks the only exit from a room or other confined space by standing, crouching or lying in the doorway in a way that prevents teammates players getting around them. Usually will gain a fast 'MOVE N00B BLOCKER!1!111' from other players, especially if their escape route from fire or grenades is blocked.

This idiot n00b blocker is trapping me in this room!

by Ass999 September 26, 2005

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