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To prevent the act of intercourse between a male and a female, usually done by one who is hatin'.

"Denise says her moms never lets her stay out past midnight."
"Tell her moms to stop blockin!"

by =nEo= July 20, 2004

29๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


-makin blocks thru tha hood to see wutz poppin
-stoppin a nigga from fuckin somethin

man i almost hit kary last night but her brother was blockin.
carl-watchu doin
d-aint shit, jus blockin rite now finna shoot out.

by d-mane April 16, 2008

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cock blockin

when a guy is tryin to get laid but
his friend or a her friend or any random person who is a dickhead prevents it

"dude you were totally cock blockin me!!"

by wassup wassup October 28, 2007

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MC Blockin'

When one guy tries to cock block another guy when the second guy is trying to score with a girl

Joey was MC Blockin' dan-o when joey was listening to dan-o while dan-o was trying to get it in with a girl

by DJ AYCH February 19, 2012

cock blockin'

when a guy is tryna holla at a girl but anotha guy interferes.

"I was at the mall and I was talk to this fine ass gurl, but den this dude gon' come and start cock blockin me. I almost beat his ass!"

by FyNeMa4ShO August 15, 2005

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baller blockin'

a movie about the Magnolia Projects made by the "Cash MOney Millionares" aka cash money records

yo we watched baller blockin' last week

by iceberg shorty December 5, 2004

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balla blockin

Balla Blockin is when someone tries to hold you back from accomplishing what you gots to do to survive.

Nigga1: Them snitches down way
Nigga2: Yea fa sho they balla blockin fa real!

by -RED- November 14, 2008

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