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A sexual act so outrageous, it can only be said that after, both partners will be unable to walk for many days after. Myth says it name derives from the sound of two people blustering sped up fifty times.

The girl slapped him in the face and walked right out on Kevin after he asked to bluster.

by sval February 14, 2011

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to be swept off your feel by a significant other

This guy blustered me today with his hotness.

by Mr. Gold April 25, 2007

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ghost blustering

the act of talking mad shit about how good a movie will do despite alienating it's core audience like what happened with Ghost Busters 2016

Guy 1: Dude, that bitch was saying the new terminator movie was going to be good.

Guy 2: Just ignore her dude, she's clearly "Ghost Blustering".

by Not the sandvich October 25, 2020

gun bluster


The most destructive gun in all of existence that always aims for the machinev of the target. It is better than any other existing or non-existing weapon or gun, including itself and other upgraded or improved versions. It is originated by Dr. Insanity, Ph.D BFGs, who believed that this gun could solve all problems and paradoxes, including the paradox that it creates.

"Incoming tank! Quick, use the gun bluster to take out the... what the fuck just happened?"

"You can't stop me from taking my own life, I'm gonna do it with my gun bluster... (time seizes to exist)"

by Dr. Insanity, Ph.D BFGs June 29, 2008

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bluster bollocks

Someone who tells his mates heโ€™s gonna destroy someone either verbally or physically.But when he actually sees that someone,he kisses their arse..A blustering,spineless gobshite

Hey i hear Stephenโ€™s gonna go and tell the manager heโ€™s out of order and report him..โ€™No way,heโ€™s all bark and no bite the old bluster bollocksโ€™

by Johnb34 March 18, 2018

bluster fuck

to fuck a really fat chick cus she has rolls and more cushion for the pushin.

dude i totally bluster fucked last night

by kelsey deeeeeee dugger June 21, 2009

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Bluster Shot

When a number of children are eager to get jabbed so that they could boast to their peers that they were vaccinated and that they would innocently be protected from all coronaviruses and their variants, with near-zero worry of any short- and long-term side effects considering their age and still-developing immune system.

Politicians and pharmaceutical companies are counting on bluster shots to further open up the economy, and to boost their profit, respectively, with little regard for potential long-term negative effects on the health or growth of millions of children, who have quasi-zero say in their vaccination choice.

by MathPlus December 27, 2022

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