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bow chicka wow wow

verbal means of referencing a sexual encounter, act or deed. Also used to identify someone or thing that is sexual.

I got with this girl at the Club and bow chicka wow wow...

by Jonathan G May 28, 2006

1343👍 417👎

bow chicka wow wow

A poor imitation of pornographic like music commonly spouted by the Red Vs Blue Character Tucker when he hears a double entendre related to sexual innuendo.

Tex: Then I can hook a hardline up to Shelia
Tucker: Bow Chicka wow wow!

by count23 September 23, 2008

759👍 310👎

bow chicka wow wow

there most sexy noise any human can make without aid.

bow chicka wow wow see you on webcam tonight alex ;)...

by mikey.poo May 23, 2006

583👍 469👎

bow chicka wow wow

onomatopoeia describing the sound a guitar makes driven through a wah-wah effects pedal.

Jimmy: Yo man, I just got a new Dunlap Cry Baby.
Joe: How's it sound?
Jimmy: Totally awesome! It goes like "bow chicka wow wow."

by DanTheGuy June 4, 2007

225👍 520👎


A sound/phrase used to represent something sexual
(usually intercorse). The sound itself is mocking the cheesy music used in pornographic films.

Last night, I got with this girl, and it was all bow-chicka-wow-wow from there.

by random321 June 13, 2007

56👍 15👎

Bow chicka wow wow

Originally part of a comedy bit used by Jordan Brady back in the 80's. Look it up people. He was the first!

What I love about porno is that early 70's funk music they play...Bow chicka wow wow.

by standupper December 6, 2012

69👍 30👎


1. The act of sexing it up
2. Chilling with a Latin American
3. To pwn at all things

1. They were just Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wowing it up
2. Last night i was Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wowing with Maria Gonzalez
3. I was just Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wowing Thom in Madden 08.

by Tommy Madsen and Jeff Chieppa December 6, 2007

13👍 9👎