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To move on or go somewhere

This place is boring lets breez somewhere else

by Blitz Krieg May 24, 2005

18πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Breez is the girl, you meet and never forget. She is gorgeous tall. Usually have brown eyes and is very nice. She is loving and will show it once you are friends. If you have a Breez for a girlfriend, she loves you to the ends of the earth but sometimes it’s hard to see it. Breez is the girl you want to spend your life with and do anything for.

Guy 1: who is that?
Guy 2: that’s Breez.
Guy 1: She is beautiful, I wonder if I can get her number.
Guy2: go for it.

by HuggywuggymcDuffy November 6, 2020

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


She is a very insecure girl. She doesn't know how amazing she is. She is very pretty. Dropdead gorgeous. She is super nice and everyone loves her. She is an angel. And she is ultra funny. She always tries to lighten up everyone's mood and she succeeds. She can make anything seem funny. She makes everyone around her happy. She carries a warm aura with her. Everyone wants to be her friend; all the girls want to be her and all the guys want her. But despite all the compliments she gets everyday, she is always secretly broken inside.

breeze is super cool

by November 27, 2020

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Trinidadian slang for relaxing.
Synonym of chilling out, hanging out, liming

A: What you doing
S: I jus be breezing

by wordtrini July 1, 2013

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


conversation without any relevance

you chat bare breeze blud
In standard english; your talking rubbish

by tarek March 19, 2005

327πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž


A girl, often very pretty, and perhaps a model. All the boys are after her and her gorgeous figure! She has amazing hair and a stunning smile!

Boy 1: OMG who's that girl?
Boy 2: That's Breeze
Boy 1: OMG i WANT her!

by littlemissyy<3 January 4, 2011

135πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


Under the influence of marijuana and oxycontin

"I'm breezed as a muthafucka"

by Breezy Mc GB September 8, 2007

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž