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A 3 star asshole who thinks hes always right .

Oh god here comes brigadier

by Thewoke1 March 23, 2017

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The Brigadier

Pure menace. Ignore his cheery and garrulous demeanor; the Brigadier commands respect as the leader of an elite guerrilla organisation. He has been known to torture individuals who dared ask for extra windows in their countryside properties. Despite often being seen in khaki shorts and relaxed footwear, do not think him a soft touch; he'll eat your kids.

Has anybody seen Jonny and Gill? I haven't seen them since they had a late night meeting with the Brigadier.

by Django Elf March 27, 2021

Armaga Brigadis

Name of a dead girl from an old Japanese legend.

Do you know Armaga Brigadis?

by The first time I saw you September 1, 2023

Brigadier Bukkake

One who is an authority/expert of the bukkake party.

I'd have to say that Admiral Anus has accomplished a new rank, Brigadier bukkake.

by Cunnilingus Master May 21, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


โ€œReal power is something you takeโ€ Jock Ewing once said to Bobby. And thus, becoming a brigadier is a rite of passage only the most ruthless can aspire to.

Some say becoming a brigadier is like winning a game of low, others say itโ€™s just luck. In some parts of Belfast there are as many as one brigadier to every ten windows.

Often sought by the police, only a fool would confirm his identity.

Policeman-is that man dancing like a chicken the brigadier


by Chipleader Hero March 18, 2021

The Brigadier

A very dangerous man. The Brigadier will lull you into a false sense of security, what with his khaki shorts, comfortable shoes and cheese and onion crisps: but make no mistake, one false move and he will end you. His favourite form of torture is taking windows out of your home.

Anyone seen Gill and Jonny?

Nah man, they've been missing ever since they annoyed the Brigadier.

by Django Elf March 28, 2021