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Brisa a latin girl. Shes a girl whos not afraid to tell you the truth. Shes a strong very beautiful girl. Even though she can be an asshole she always has your back at the end. Shes very sensitive and can fall in love very deep very fast. She will do anything for her friends. She’s full of joy and will try her best to hide her pain. She she’s a girl who goes through a lot but no one realizes because she’s always laughing and being goofy. She’s very strong, smart, goofy, and a beautiful girl. Everyone loves her she’s a loyal person to her friends, family and to a very special someone. Her smile can always light up a room. Any friend or boyfriend will be lucky to have her. Don’t ever lose get because that will be a mistake you’ll regret. You will never meet someone like her.

Adrian: that girl is so beautiful I hope I never lose her

Joseph: Brisa a latin girl. Shes a girl whos not afraid to tell you the truth. Shes a strong very beautiful girl.

by Arline Ramirez October 26, 2019

96👍 3👎


Brisa a latin girl. Shes a girl whos not afraid to tell you the truth. Shes a strong very pretty girl. Even though she can be an asshole she always has your back at the end. Any friend or boyfriend will be lucky to have her. You will never meet someone like her.

#strong #neverLose #pretty #oneOfAKind #weird

Boy: damn have you seen brisa!
Girl: yea shes different

by Jj_adam January 17, 2019

330👍 34👎


Brisa is weird, loveable person,stand up for her friends,never fool around with her feelings,love animals,care about people,she never give up on the people she loves plus she is a awesome person to have around she have a lot of friends,she get hurt easily she always support her friends,she get mad if you hurt her or her friends,she is a very nice person to have with you,people never give on her

Brisa is a caring person who never give up on people,she courage people to follow their dreams and never give up on what they want in life,she love to be around the people she loves, people never give up on her,people love to have her around,she love to hang with other people.

Boy:She really nice
Girl:Duh she is a Brisa

by AnimalsLover❤ April 29, 2019

128👍 15👎


A fine ass lil mexican girlb that will jus blow yoo mind with her lil cut self she could really do a good impact in your life shes really gorgues funny cute shes the best out here :')

Brisa this fine ass chick i follow

by Poppa Jesus August 23, 2017

124👍 28👎


Origin Greek and Latin:

1) Meaning Breeze in Spanish

2) A Sexy, Athletic, and Usually Latina Chick That Is Certainly Yo Mans Main Attraction. She can often be bi-lingual and bisexual. Leaving the girls hating and the boys masterbating (^_^)

Girl's thought: OMG She is so awesome and sexy and better than me at everything

Girl's boyfriend: WOW! I Am definately arosed by this latin beauty and would love to have intercourse with her and totally ditch you.

Girl: Im Jealous but i understand, She's Brisa.

by The Original... (Mello-Yello) February 21, 2010

492👍 133👎


Hi my name is actually brisa haha funny right not really... Brisa I’ve heard of are all nice and kind and caring and I hear the same for my friends I always have guys AND girls fighting over me! You think you would want that but it can cause drama but... sometimes you just don’t want any drama to happen I don’t really do good in relationships because I always make the other person insecure because they feel they don’t deserve me because I’m to nice and caring

Boy: omg I don’t deserve Brisa she’s to nice to me I feel like I’m not giving her enough I should leave her because she deserves better 😔😭

Girl: i know right she’s so nice and a really good friend and always stands up for her friends and doesn’t care about the consequences 🙂

Boy: I know but she makes me feel like I’m not good enough but I can’t stop loving her she’s so nice and caring I just love her so much 😭

Girl: I know it’s Brisa

by Brisaaaaawasssshere July 16, 2019

23👍 6👎


She is a little cutie.even married men want her.even the girl wants her.

Brisa is so gay

by Gaylittleboy January 20, 2018

51👍 33👎