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A well hung male , powerfully built weight over 240lbs . A god amongst mortal men he's in the 8" plus club . Slutskies will flock to broncs .

Called the bronc after the magnificent wild horses , these broncs are usually found from Colombian towns or hailing from the east of England usually Essex .

You can't handle me baby I'm too much bronc for you ......

Did you see Rafa's package ...... Yeah he's such a bronc

by Rynostone May 24, 2020

17๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.) A person of Latin herritage who has not assimilated to American ways

2.) A drunk Latino making a fool of himself

3.) A Latina wearing 3 inch heals, a lacy blouse, polyester slacks, dangly earrings, and 5 layers of makeup at the laundromat

1) My bronc neighbor plays cumbia music in the driveway and is always dressed for a rhinestone rodeo.

2) Girl 1) did he just do a grito in this upscale club?

Girl 2) Hector is such a bronc!

3) The bronc was taking forever to get her clothes out of the washer because her updo wasn't properly Aqua-netted in place

by Sunny Southern Cali Bunny February 4, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Tough on the outside and soft on the inside. A horseman at heart, it loves to be rough and rowdy. Very attractive and gentlemen like but has a secret side that insinuates naughtiness.

2. Obsessed with pleasing people, it will forgo its own emotions and feelings to make someone else feel better; sometimes this is at another, outside parties expense.

3. With so many sexual complexes, it could make Freud go crazy. Attracted to mom's (perhaps even its own) it feels guilty when it participates in any sort of sexual encounter (generally after the act).

4. Can be easily mistaken for gay because of its bi-curious, homoerotic tendancies. Overall Bronc is good but has a lot of issues that will leave a person dumb-founded.

1. Look at that Bronc, what a stud!

2. That people pleaser is such a Bronc.

3. Did he just do his mom like a Bronc?

4. I think he's as gay as a Bronc.

by chicago gal February 5, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


To have hardcore sex.

"We were broncing so hard last night."

by Monica Joy June 20, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tough on the outside and soft on the inside. A horseman at heart, he loves to be rough and rowdy. Very attractive and gentlemen like but has a secret side that insinuates naughtiness. Obsessed with pleasing people this person will forgo his own emotions and feelings to make someone else feel better; sometimes this is at another, outside parties expense. With so many sexual complexes, he could make Freud go crazy. Attracted to mom's (perhaps even his own) he feels guilty when it comes to any sort of sexual encounter (generally after the act). Can be easily mistaken for gay because of his bi-curious, homoerotic tendancies. Overall good guy but has a lot of issues that you may not want to try and figure out.

look at that stud bronc

by chicago gal February 5, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The feeling one gets when their asshole is stretched to excess by what is passing through it, either on the way out, or the way in. Characterized by a change in the walking motion of the sufferer, constant digging or checking in the ass, or if seated on a park bench or open car trunk, the actual anus hanging out

CANDY: You ok, Cindy? You look like you're in pain...
CINDY: I ate a lot of popcorn when we saw CLASH OF THE TITANS and got constipated, so I just unleashed the Kraken and now I have a bronc-anus...

DAMON: Mike, stop sitting on the trunk latch of your car. Your Bronc-Anus is hanging out. You have a lot of buttsex or something?
MIKE: In prison such decisions aren't always yours to make...

by Mjolnir12982 April 18, 2010

53๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Obsessed with pleasing people this person will forgo his own emotions and feelings to make someone else feel better; sometimes this is at another, outside parties expense.

such a people pleaser, that bronc

by chicago gal February 5, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž