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means bullshit, bs, untrue
synonym Sheeeet

this some straight fuqn bullsheeeet

by BumStatusYo December 6, 2018


means bullshit, bs, untrue
synonym Sheeeet

this some straight fuqn #bullsheeeet

by BumStatusYo December 6, 2018

motivational bullsheeeet

information of things that don’t do sheeet for you in real life

tired of the motivational bullsheeeet. you think your words keep me safe and warm at night. straight fuqn bullsheeeet. be you be real. say what you gotta say. one time. i dont give a fuq.

by BumStatusYo December 18, 2018

straight bullsheeeet

the opposite of straight shooter. one who thinks they can bullsheeeet their way out of things

Yo that mf is straight bullsheeeet!

by BumStatusYo December 6, 2018