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When someone loves something soo much you say you Bumm it.

Friend: Ohh Yeah, I love Family Guy
You: You bumm Family Guy

You: I Bumm Tortilla Chips.

by Benjyman1993 May 14, 2009

43👍 59👎

Dudi Bumms

Dudi Bumms is a (probably far-right) german YouTuber which destroys fortnite kids and other users. Much more information isn't given except that he was 21 years old in early 2019 and lived somewhere in saxony.

"Ey hast du schon das neue video von Dudi Bumms gesehen?"
"Nein, um was geht es da?"
"Er hat mal wieder fortnitekinder zerstört!"

by Dudi Bumm's brother May 30, 2023

Thumb Bumm

When you put your thumb in someone’s ass while walking by... Like a Wet Willy but with your thumb in their butthole.

Yo.. I just did a Thumb Bumm drive by to this rando girl at the bar.


bumm buster

When a gaseous diffusion released from the rectum is forceful and violent enough to cause one's cheeks to quake enough for another to see. "I just did a bumm buster bro. Do you think it'll cause me to lose employment?"

bumm buster, fart

by Redalert423 July 8, 2017

4👍 1👎


a cage worn on people with massive bum's butt's.
to avoide people running inside & getting lost with the jiggle-oo people who live in theese massive arse's that need or have bumm-per-cage's.

person 105: oh my godd !
person 106: what ?
person 105: i'm so lucky melanie has to wear a bumm-per-cage, or i would of got lost, and the jiggle-oo people might have eaten me!
person 106: ohh man i no, thoos bumm-per-cages are so handy in thoose situations! :) thank god its compalsary for all fat people to have them now.

by 374342918574630594 June 17, 2009

1👍 7👎

justus bumm

a youtube who is really great und sexy

justus bumm is great and sexy

by deivadda August 11, 2020


A bumme/bum or bummes is a lesbian who isn't black that dresses like a 'stem'. Stem is a mixture of the words stud and femme. Stud was a word used to describe lesbians of color, so can yall white girls stop calling yourselves studs!

" bummes are so my type"

by Roar🦖 July 20, 2020