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To steal or rob of; usually in a burglary.

Oh no! That thief burgled my purse!

by ac262 February 8, 2013

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To imbibe libations past the point of no return. To get burgled. To go burgling. To be burgled (as in "man I am so burgled right now").

Man, I am so burgled right now.

by @acpetrick December 29, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of breaking an entry into another individual or "individuals" residence.

Past tense:
Ken burgled that mother fucker out of a house and home!

In the future: Im gunna burgle that ass from rite under him!

As a profession: Hey Mike, what's your curent job? Oh.. Umm... Im a... Umm, Burgler..

the act of burgle, too burgle, a pair of "bergliers". Or may be affiliated loosely with sexual conduct.

Biyotch ima burgle that pussy!

Now remember kids..


by Skip town 619 June 25, 2009

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The act of one person taking another person's poop straight from the hole with out prior permission.

Throughout her entire career in burgling, Blaise had never done a job cleaner than when she burgled Luke.

by The 1337ness Supremes November 20, 2007

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The act of burgling is a multi-purpose word. It is upto the interpreter to define it's meaning. A burgle could be anything!

It is a word of the brotherhood and is used frequently.

I just had a burgle! It was nice :)

Could be:

I just had a wank! It was nice :)
I just had a toastie! It was nice)

by Brother B April 9, 2008

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The burpy, gurgly feeling you get immediately before vomiting occurs. Most unpleasant, and pretty much means puking is coming.

Bro, after all that JD I drank, I burgled for an hour and then puked all over the bed of my buddies truck.

by DAAM May 31, 2008

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To vomit, or to throw up.

David burgled all over my car's upholstery.

by Friskaburger June 18, 2003

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