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A burka is a Halloween costume sometimes worn all year round by Muslims.

Dude! You don't need to cut two holes in a sheet just go buy a burka for Halloween.

by NaughtyKnickers2 March 24, 2012

159๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you cum in a girl's grill and then stick a sheet to her face. Like the superman but in facial style.

My girlfriend was so drunk last night that I gave her a burka and she didn't notice until she woke up and the sheets were crusted to her face.

by yonkie January 2, 2008

127๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž


A loss of bowel control due to continuous sessions of anal penetration.

Oh my god, elliott gave me a burka last night!

Nolan: Mitch what is a burka like?
Mitch: Wanna find out?
Nolan: FUCK YES!
Mitch R: Can I join?
Nolan: FUCK YES!

by KHAGJHA October 12, 2007

55๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

Burka Bluetooth

When a somalian takes a crappy generic brand cellular device and tucks it on the side of the their head between their burka and ear creating a hands free device.

Micheal: Did you see that somalian using their Burka Bluetooth?

Steve: Yeah, right as she drove her car in me as i crossed the road!

by baby punter May 11, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

burka bathing

bathing in shorts & baggy t shirt to conceal obesity.

mandy: i'm taking the kids swimming after school why don't you come too, be fun. they allow burka bathing.....i checked.

jane: erm, what makes you think i burka bathe?

mandy: erm, your 50 inch hips....

by will6691 December 11, 2013

Hairy Burka

This is a meaning for a man who shaves his genital area but has hairy legs and belly. The shaved part look like the eye section of a Burka.

Question to a hairy man: Q. Do you shave your balls? A. Yeah I have a Hairy Burka!

by BrownBoy90 January 20, 2015

banana burka

a condom

That chick gets around. You should wear a banana burka if you don't want to catch anything.

by Chip Z'hoyy December 30, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž