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An ethnic group of people living in Botswana who traditionally live by hunting and foraging. In recent years their land has been stolen by the government of Botswana and sold as diamond mines. The rate of AIDS and alcoholism since their relocation is astounding. The Bushmen are becoming victims of genocide and greed.

Did three months of your salary contribute to wiping out the Bushmen? The Bushmen are the real Gems in this world.

by Ganga June 26, 2005

13👍 2👎


Two definitions of the term "Bushman."
1. a member of an ethnic group of short-statured peoples of southern
Africa who traditionally live by hunting and foraging.
2. a member of a political group of short-minded people of north America
who live by hunting their opponents and foraging for civil liberties.

Bushmen can be found not only in southern Africa, but in north America,
too. What do these two tribes have in common? Nothing except that both
are pygmies.

by Mike October 22, 2004

5👍 7👎

african bushmen

When you're giving your girl oral, bite out some of her pubic hair, and then spit it back into her face.

Emily didn't appreciate me giving her an African Bushmen.

by YourDick. March 14, 2015