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but speech

The speech you give when trying to civilly dump someone. It starts out saying a bunch of nice things about the dumpee, then has a negative turning point when the dumper says "but..." Most commonly used in season finales of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette as well as other dating reality TV shows.

Bachelorette: You're such an amazing person, and I've enjoyed getting to know you so much. But...I'm choosing the other guy.

Viewer: Oh man, she just gave him the but speech!

by frindle1992 August 10, 2011

Speech speech

When you do a speech but it isn’t necessarily on the topic but it is a ducking good speech

I’m gonna do a speech speech

by Urb0n D1ct1onary October 13, 2019

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To be full of speech.

Joel: "Hey Stacey, how ya goin? I heard you were without speech the other day."

Stacey: "I'm really good thanks and I got my speech back too. I am now speechful."

by Joelus November 3, 2006

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Term used by George Bush when describing the action of addressing the public.

Hey Tony, get your face out of my arse and listen to some of the stuff I was speeching to the public today.

by K May 18, 2004

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Describing a middle aged white guy who lives in Wisconsin who names his dog after his favorite football team. He gets on various chat rooms, blows them up with funny/ hysterical jabs with friends. He tends to play games for fun, kicks ass, takes names, makes videos and posts pictures of his pets all day. He says Fuck a lot of your into that kind of thing.

I jumped on the chat room and Speech had 1000 messages in less than 4 hours.

by Talonsgrip December 18, 2018

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A class kids go to, considered a form of therapy, in which they learn how to speak better.

Sophia likes to wear a set to speech.

by GuidoPosse69 January 30, 2005

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A word that doesn't exist even though google thinks it is.

Person 1: I just speeched into my microphone.
Person 2: You know thats not a real word right?

by @SUPERWORDMAN@ September 11, 2018