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A misspelling of Buttocks, usually made by athletes, but occasionally people from other cultures.

Last night after football practice, mama whipped my buttix for eating all the cookies 'n' cream.

by NiraMillson September 23, 2016


A really annoying adolescent who doesn't give a crap about anyone but themselves.

stop with the bull . no one wants to hear all your lies. you're turning into such a buttix.

by juggyjugjug May 28, 2012

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buttix romulin

Stinky yellowish brownish greenish reddish discharge from the buttix.

Respected in certain cultures.

Pablo had so much buttix romulin that the guys smelt him from his car.

Most BBW guys have buttix romulin, but Jared’s was so stinky that the more respected BBW guys gave him props.

by GerthPaul November 8, 2020

buttix hemoglobulin

A greenish brownish reddish yellowy orange discharge that comes out of an unwashed buttek. Like buttix romulin but much more thick and viscous.

I thought Olgas tocks smelt like straight buttix crème but when she pulled down her Lulu Lemons there was buttix hemoglobulin caked all over her trousers.

by GerthPaul December 6, 2020

buttix hemoglobulin

A greenish brownish reddish yellowy orange discharge that comes out of an unwashed buttek. Like buttix romulin but much more thick and viscous.

I thought Olgas tocks smelt like straight buttix crème but when she pulled down her Lulu Lemons there was buttix hemoglobulin caked all over her trousers.

by GerthPaul December 6, 2020

stinky buttix

When the buttocks of a person are unusually smelly, and are usually very itchy and rashy. Could be a result of bad hygiene or just a distinct smell of the buttocks.

I could smell his Stinky buttix the second he walked Into the room, and I could smell them for another 30 minutes after he left the chair he was sitting on.

by RandeenisDaWeenis March 19, 2014

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