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Derogatory term referring to the domestic beer Budweiser. The term is fitting since, after drinking many Budweisers, the very next thing you will be doing is wiping your butt, and frequently.

That last buttwiper didn't go down so well. I think I'd better hit the toilet and fast!

by JayDub October 1, 2004

63πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


buttwipe is an idiot or who is incredibly stupid but non vulgar and less offensive alternative to calling someone an asswipe

man you got me in trouble with the cops buttwipe

dude you got you got yourself in trouble with the cops i had nothing to do with it buttwipe

man you are too selfish to take responsibility for your actions buttwipe

by littlejimmie March 17, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


As in, β€œMy butt’s been wiped!”

When you can’t pull it together anymore.

β€œMy butt’s been wiped!” Been buttwiped! *exasperated*
β€œMy butt’s been wiped!” Been buttwiped! *excited*

by BettercallPaulMuadDib July 26, 2021


a person you'd just as soon be rid of

"Get lost, buttwipe.'

by kitznegari November 9, 2002

50πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


In other words; a jerk, asshole, jackass, or more importantly, "asswipe". Only pussy-whipped bastards that have no balls use "buttwipe"

"Grant M. of Chambersburg is a buttwipe."

by "Skid-marks" January 9, 2004

74πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


someone who is an asshole or someone who you despise immensely

Person A: "isnt that girl lilah such a buttwipe?"
Person B: "Yeah man i totally agree"

by bigravensfan January 11, 2011

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


stupid people who cant seem to get their life straight. or their life haters who cannot read. mainly those who are failing every class.

Me: ima buttwipe

by thetrueuser March 3, 2017

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