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A low pitched fart.

My friend sally bwaps a lot.

by Artsicle June 4, 2017

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A clown's main form of communication, Bwaps can take many shapes and sizes. Commonly used as both a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjecture, and conjunction. Because of this, many clowns must go through Vigorous Clown Training to be able to both communicate and understand one another. It is often said that if you can hear a bwap but can't see the clown, you are in grave danger and should leave the premises immediately. You are being hunted.

Bitch, I'm a clown. Bwap!

Bwap a bap op. Fribzoop Bwap.

Nigger, make a clown sownd. BWAP.

by Viatrophy May 12, 2012

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What a chav with rhotacism says.

Ehhh bwuv! Bwap bwap! (Hey bruv! Brap Brap!)


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Hot-fat-gas station workers 5 y/o girls that reside in Canada.
They add another meaning to the word nerd,
real computer geeks, they are capable to beat 600h+ computer games in less than a couple of minutes. They are also called "Walking Encyclopedias" due to their vast knowledge. They are capable of using weird slangs(if you can call it that), as SHREE and SHIBBY.

How to recognize a Bwap:
If you ever end up facing a gorgeous creature, with its ears near someone else's pubic area, with a can of Pepsi in one hand and some sausages in the other, be sure you are facing an actual Bwap.

"I was at the beach and I saw this gorda listening to someone else's pubic hair growing, I was sure it was a Bwap."

by Blap February 14, 2005

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A word use to signify a girl who is a bro with a pussy.

"Yo are you and that girl like dating bro?"
"Nah bruh she's my BWAP."
"Tf does that mean?"
"She is my Bro With A Pussy dude."

by zippyclean June 30, 2021


Drunk, annihialated, smashed, slooooooshed, fucked up.

"Man did you see Mario at that party? He was totally bwapped!"

"Damn dude I was so bwapped last night I pissed myself during my sleep."

by Da Iceman 2 March 19, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

bwap trap

A word describing a situation that is inescapable and will result in a lot of pain/trouble by the person caught in the bwap trap. May concern a physical circumstance, or having something that you must do which will not be pretty.

Person 1: Man I have to start that big project tonight and turn it in tomorrow morning. I'm screwed.

Person 2: Looks like you're stuck in a bwap trap.

by roflscopter December 21, 2010

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