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This is someone who adjusts their energy according to their environment. Cantora tends to be quiet sometimes but very observant at the same time. He is not quick to act but takes time to understand the situation at hand. He is a friend that you can count on. He has tendencies of being a macho man sometimes. He loves being the head in his relationship and does not like being looked down upon by anyone. He really carries his self worth with dignity and can go to an extra length to maintain his self image. Cantora makes the best husband because he is family oriented and a lover of love. He can be very emotional sometimes but won’t show it. He thinks a lot too but that’s a good thing because it helps him make calculated decisions. In short he is one of the best humans with genuine intentions you could ever meet. Literally the best human.

Cantora is such an interesting guy, I love him like that.

by Unscripted November 22, 2021